Item 581699A Field Guide to American Houses
Knopf, May 1984. Trade Paperback.
Knopf, May 1984. Trade Paperback.
Rizzoli, October 2006. Hardcover. From the Tidewater region of its Atlantic Shore to the Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia has some of the most architecturally rich, and perhaps the most historically important, homes in America. The treasures of American heritage showcased in this volume range in time from the seventeenth century.....
Henry Holt & Co, March 1999. Hardcover.
Bonanza Books, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1957. Hardcover.
Pitkin Pictorials Ltd. STAPLEBOUND.
Howell-North Pubs, July 1980. Hardcover.
Archipelago Press, January 1999. STAPLEBOUND.
Boston Mills Press, June 1999. Paperback.
Faber & Faber, January 1992. Hardcover.