Item 582209A Study Guide to Educating Young Children: Exercises for Adult Learners
High/Scope Pr, January 1997. Trade Paperback.
High/Scope Pr, January 1997. Trade Paperback.
Royal Fireworks Press, January 2012. Trade Paperback.
Ballantine Books, April 1993. Trade Paperback. You've talked to everyone and still haven't found a name . . . Relax! Help is on the way! You're sure to find a name that sings to you in this clever, up-to-date guide. Is your baby bound to be an angel like Arael.....
Little, Brown Spark, February 1994. Paperback. Prepare for a safe and joyful birth-with the help of America's foremost baby and childcare experts Since women enjoy more birthing options today than ever before, the path toward a safe and satisfying birth can be fraught with important decisions. Planning, understanding the resources.....
Henry Holt and Co., June 2015. Hardcover. New York Times Bestseller "Julie Lythcott-Haims is a national treasure. . . . A must-read for every parent who senses that there is a healthier and saner way to raise our children." -Madeline Levine, author of the New York Times bestsellers The Price.....
TAN Books, August 1993. Paperback. The Grand Matron of Catholic home schooling sets down all the reasons why to home school, successfully refutes all the reasons why not and gives 101 pointers on how to do it. Home schooling well may be the salvation of our entire society.
Chronicle Books, October 2017. Paperback. An all-inclusive pregnancy and birthing guidebook that gives soon-to-be mothers and their partners the information they need to make decisions, feel confident, and enjoy the beauty of creating new life. A comprehensive and judgement-free pregnancy companion, Nurture is the only all-in-one pregnancy and birthing book.....
Penguin Books, June 2014. Paperback. "Emily Oster is the non-judgmental girlfriend holding our hand and guiding us through pregnancy and motherhood. She has done the work to get us the hard facts in a soft, understandable way." --Amy Schumer What to Expect When You're Expecting meets Freakonomics an award-winning economist.....
Harvard Common Press, January 2008. Paperback. Since the original publication of The Birth Partner in 1989, new mothers' mates, friends, and relatives and doulas (professional birth assistants) have relied on Penny Simkin's guidance in caring for the new mother from the last few weeks of pregnancy through the early postpartum.....
Countryman Press, September 2019. Paperback. The Wonder Weeks answers the question, "Why is my baby cranky, clingy, and crying?" with helpful guidance. Maybe they're experiencing a leap in brain development, after which new skills are mastered, discoveries are made, and perceptions evolve. Fussy behavior might signal that great progress is.....
New Harbinger Publications, March 2024. Paperback. Powerful parenting strategies grounded in polyvagal theory to help you stay connected with your teen, reduce conflict, and set limits with love. When it comes to your teen, do you feel like you're walking on eggshells? Do they lash out at you when you.....
Crossing Press, May 1998. Paperback. Circumcision has been practised for thousands of years, rationalized by relegion, medical theory and sexual repression. This work debunks the medical reasons for infant circumcision and places them in their cultural and historical context. The author explores the sexual and psychological consequences of circumcision. He.....
Vintage, March 1989. Paperback.
Harmony, May 1994. Paperback.
St. Martin's Griffin, October 1997. Paperback. In his first major work since The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey presents a practical and philosophical guide to solving the problems--large and small, mundane and extraordinary--that confront all families and strong communities. By offering revealing anecdotes about ordinary people.....
Vintage, April 2004. Paperback. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, millions of anxious parents have turned to child-rearing manuals for reassurance. Instead, however, they have often found yet more cause for worry. In this rich social history, Ann Hulbert analyzes one hundred years of shifting trends in advice and.....
Simon & Schuster, October 1991. Paperback. The author links the inability of children to concentrate to the electronic media, changes in life-styles, and the decline of literacy.
Harper Perennial, January 1990. Paperback. "As passionate as it is fierce. Intensely personal and moving beyond belief, The Broken Cord. . . . is a book so powerful it will not only break your heart; it will restore your faith." -- Alice Hoffman The controversial national bestseller that received unprecedented.....
Broadway Books, September 2013. Paperback. Raising My Rainbow is Lori Duron's frank, heartfelt, and brutally funny account of her and her family's adventures of distress and happiness raising a gender-creative son. Whereas her older son, Chase, is a Lego-loving, sports-playing boy's boy, Lori's younger son, C.J., would much rather twirl.....
Equilibrium Pr, May 2002. Paperback.
Plough Publishing House, September 2014. Paperback. There's hope for childhood. Despite a perfect storm of hostile forces that are robbing children of a healthy childhood, courageous parents and teachers who know what's best for children are turning the tide. Johann Christoph Arnold, whose books on education, parenting, and relationships have.....
Fireside, July 2001. Paperback. Making the Pain Go Away If your child suffers from bad headaches, then you know all too well the panic and frustration they cause -- and not just for your child, who may be too young or unwell to articulate what he's feeling, but for everyone.....
Bantam, July 2011. Paperback. THE BREASTFEEDING BOOK YOUR DOCTOR RECOMMENDS Completely revised and updated second edition Why is breastfeeding best for my baby? Will I like it? What if it hurts? What happens when my maternity leave is over? Will I be able to use a breast pump? How can.....
Chronicle Books, March 2024. Hardcover. Super-size parenting advice courtesy of the Incredibles family in a humorous guide to raising super-duper kids, inspired by Disney and Pixar feature films The Incredibles and Incredibles 2. Filled with hilarious and heartfelt tidbits to comfort parents in need of a good laugh or an.....
Princeton Architectural Press, February 2024. Hardcover. In a perfectionistic parenting culture that tells you that you are never enough no matter how much you do for your kids, this unique approach empowers you with a simple parenting technique to gain confidence, remain grounded, and connect positively with your children. Dr.....